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If It Ain't Broke, Don't Fix It

Today, I would like to proclaim for all to hear that it has been exactly one month since I started this blog.  Wahoo!! I have to admit that's longer than I had initially thought this blog would last.  I’ve never considered myself much of a writer and my previous experiences with diaries and such did not overwhelm me with confidence.  Yet here we are.  This makes eleven total blog posts and 629 page views as of this posting with more to come.  To celebrate this odd anniversary, I thought it would be appropriate to give out some information about myself.  A little getting to know the blogger, you see.  

Why did you decide to start a blog?
I had been playing around with the idea of starting a blog off and on for a while but I wasn’t too serious about it.  I enjoy both sharing my opinions and arguing with friends but as I’m typically in the minority I thought it’d be fun to yell into the ether, I guess.  Then I went on a road trip with some friends and got bored on the long car ride.  I started writing my first post in the car and posted it as soon as we arrived.  I wanted to finally have the opportunity to share my opinions with the world so I just jumped off.  I wasn’t sure anyone would care enough to listen but I really enjoy blogging.  I really do enjoy it even though I swear it's slowly taking over my life. 

Has running this blog changed anything for you?  
I honestly feel like starting this blog changed so many things for me.  Writing and blogging about my life and my beliefs has kind of inspired me to be more involved in my local atheist community.   It’s made me want to be more open with the people around me.  This has been a big change for introverted, little me.  Getting to know strange people is such work but maybe it would be worth the trouble in the end.    

What do you do when you aren't blogging?
Mostly I work.  A lot.  As I’ve mentioned before, I work full time at, ironically enough, a Christian daycare.  I usually float between the one and two-year-old rooms but I spend a little bit of time everywhere.  From biting to potty training, every day's an adventure.  It’s not the best job ever and the pay leaves something to be desired but there are other benefits to working in childcare.   Typically, I receive one weekday off every week and I usually go to doctors appointments or run errands then.  I spend my weekends shacking up with Vaguely Defined Significant Other, hanging out with the rest of our gang of friends, or trying futility to convince Schnitzel Dog that she is actually a dog.   

Have any hobbies?
Does blogging count?  I haven’t decided yet.  Otherwise, I enjoy reading when I have the time.  Fanfiction, Teen Fiction, and various kinds of romance are my usual favorites.  I recently finished the Heroes of Olympus and I’m currently reading The Trials of Apollo by Rick Riordan.  I also enjoy local comic and anime conventions.  You might even see me in cosplay from time to time.  I am an avid enthusiast of Netflix and top ten lists on Youtube.  I should probably finish Ouran Highschool Host Club and My Hero Academia eventually.    

Are you married?  Any babies of your own?
Pssh. Nope. Vaguely Defined Significant Other and I will probably get there eventually but we’re happy just the way we are for now.  Between working, finishing school, and trying to move in together, I think our plans for this year are pretty set.  As for babies, did I mention I work at a daycare?  I have between 12 and 16 children every day at work.  I get to see the whole range of child behavior on a daily basis.  If I made enough money to have an addiction, alcoholism would be extremely tempting.  After all that, I have no desire to have to bring one home with me.  Plus, I do legitimately have some medical problems that would make having a baby difficult for me.  Maybe in a few years, I’ll reconsider, but for now,  I just had my first IUD put in and let me just say that sucked royally.  It’s staying in there for a while.  Besides, I think Schnitzel Dog is all the responsibility I need in my life right now.

Thank you, dear readers, for an absolutely amazing first month on the blogosphere.  I really couldn’t have done it without you.  I look forward to marching into the future of this blog with you.

A Southern Atheist


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